Page Component

ABP provides a component that wraps your content with some built-in components to reduce the amount of code you need to write.

If the template of a component looks as follows, you can utilize the abp-page component.

Let's look at the following example without abp-page component.


<div class="row entry-row">
  <div class="col-auto">
    <h1 class="content-header-title">{{ '::Dashboard' | abpLocalization }}</h1>
  <div id="breadcrumb" class="col-lg-auto pl-lg-0">
  <div class="col">
    <abp-page-toolbar [record]="data"></abp-page-toolbar>

<div id="dashboard-id">
  <!-- dashboard content here -->

Page Parts

PageComponent divides the template shown above into three parts, title, breadcrumb, toolbar. Each can be configured separately. There, also, is an enum exported from the package that describes each part.

export enum PageParts {
  title = 'PageTitleContainerComponent',
  breadcrumb = 'PageBreadcrumbContainerComponent',
  toolbar = 'PageToolbarContainerComponent',

// You can import this enum from -> import { PageParts } from '@abp/ng.components/page';


Firstly, you need to import PageModule from @abp/ng.components/page as follows:


import { PageModule } from '@abp/ng.components/page';
import { DashboardComponent } from './dashboard.component';

  declarations: [DashboardComponent],
  imports: [PageModule]
export class DashboardModule {}

And change the template of dashboard.component.ts to the following:

<abp-page [title]="'::Dashboard' | abpLocalization" [toolbar]="data">
  <div id="dashboard-id">
    <!-- .... -->


  • title: string: Will be be rendered within h1.content-header-title. If not provided, the parent div will not be rendered
  • breadcrumb: boolean: Determines whether to render abp-breadcrumb. Default is true.
  • toolbar: any: Will be passed into abp-page-toolbar component through record input. If your page does not contain abp-page-toolbar, you can simply omit this field.

Overriding template

If you need to replace the template of any part, you can use the following sub-components.

  <abp-page-title-container class="col">
    <h2>Custom Title</h2>

  <abp-page-breacrumb-container class="col">

  <abp-page-toolbar-container class="col">
    <button (click)="doSth()">Some Action</button>

You do not have to provide them all. You can just use which one you need to replace. These components have priority over the inputs declared above. If you use these components, you can omit the inputs.


PageModule provides a structural directive that is used internally within PageComponent and can also be used externally.

PageComponent employs this directive internally as follows:

<div class="col-lg-auto pl-lg-0" *abpPagePart="pageParts.breadcrumb">

It also can take a context input as follows:

<div class="col" *abpPagePart="pageParts.toolbar; context: toolbarData">
  <abp-page-toolbar [record]="toolbarData"></abp-page-toolbar>

Its render strategy can be provided through Angular's Dependency Injection system.

It expects a service through the PAGE_RENDER_STRATEGY injection token that implements the following interface.

interface PageRenderStrategy {
  shouldRender(type?: string): boolean | Observable<boolean>;
  onInit?(type?: string, injector?: Injector, context?: any): void;
  onDestroy?(type?: string, injector?: Injector, context?: any): void;
  onContextUpdate?(change?: SimpleChange): void;
  • shouldRender (required): It takes a string input named type and expects a boolean or Observable<boolean> in return.
  • onInit (optional): Will be called when the directive is initiated. Three inputs will be passed into this method.
    • type: type of the page part
    • injector: injector of the directive which could be used to retrieve anything from directive's DI tree.
    • context: whatever context is available at the initialization phase.
  • onDestroy (optional): Will be called when the directive is destroyed. The parameters are the same with onInit
  • onContextUpdate (optional): Will be called when the context is updated.
    • change: changes of the context will be passed through this method.

Let's see everything in action.

import { 
} from '@abp/ng.components/page';

export class MyPageRenderStrategy implements PageRenderStrategy {
  shouldRender(type: string) {
    // meaning everything but breadcrumb and custom-part will be rendered
    return type !== PageParts.breadcrumb && type !== 'custom-part';

   * shouldRender can also return an Observable<boolean> which means
   * an async service can be used within.

  constructor(private service: SomeAsyncService) {}

  shouldRender(type: string) {
    return this.service.checkTypeAsync(type).pipe(map(val => val.isTrue()));
  onInit(type: string, injector: Injector, context: any) {
    // this method will be called in ngOnInit of the directive

  onDestroy(type: string, injector: Injector, context: any) {
    // this method will be called in ngOnDestroy of the directive

  onContextUpdate?(change?: SimpleChange) {
    // this method will be called everytime context is updated within the directive

  selector: 'app-dashboard',
  template: `
    <abp-page [title]="'::Dashboard' | abpLocalization">
        <button>New Dashboard</button>

      <div class="dashboard-content">
        <h3 *abpPagePart="'custom-part'"> Inner Title </h3>
export class DashboardComponent {}

  imports: [PageModule],
  declarations: [DashboardComponent],
  providers: [
      provide: PAGE_RENDER_STRATEGY,
      useClass: MyPageRenderStrategy,
export class DashboardModule {}

See Also


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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