Nightly Builds
All framework & module packages (both open-source and pro packages) are deployed to MyGet every night on weekdays. So, you can install the latest dev-branch builds to try out functionality prior to release.
Install & Uninstall Nightly Preview Packages
The latest version of nightly preview packages can be installed by running the below command in the root folder of a solution:
command doesn't create a project with nightly preview packages. Instead, it switches package versions of an existing solution with the nightly preview packages. You can create a new solution with the latest version, then switch to nightly packages if you want.
After the switch-to-nightly
command, a new NuGet feed will be added to the NuGet.Config
file of your project. Then, you can get the latest code of ABP without waiting for the next release.
ABP nightly NuGet feed is
Also, the switch-to-nightly
command creates .npmrc
files containing two NPM registries in the directory where the package.json
files are located in your solution.
You can check the ABP Nightly Gallery (for the open source NPM & NuGet packages) and ABP Pro Nightly Gallery (for the pro NPM packages) to see the all nightly preview packages.
If you're using the ABP nightly preview packages, you can switch back to the stable version by using the following command: