ABP OpenIddict Module
OpenIddict module provides an integration with the OpenIddict which provides advanced authentication features like single sign-on, single log-out, and API access control. This module persists applications, scopes, and other OpenIddict-related objects to the database.
How to Install
This module comes as pre-installed (as NuGet/NPM packages). You can continue to use it as a package and get updates easily, or you can include its source code into your solution (see get-source
CLI command) to develop your custom module.
The Source Code
The source code of this module can be accessed here. The source code is licensed by MIT, so you can freely use and customize it.
User Interface
This module implements the domain logic and database integrations but does not provide any UI. Management UI is useful if you need to add applications and scopes on the fly. In this case, you may build the management UI yourself or consider purchasing the ABP which provides the management UI for this module.
Relations to Other Modules
This module is based on the Identity Module and has an integration package with the Account Module.
can be configured in the PreConfigureServices
method of your OpenIddict module.
contains various extension methods to configure the OpenIddict services:
registers the OpenIddict token server services in the DI container. ContainsOpenIddictServerBuilder
registers the OpenIddict core services in the DI container. ContainsOpenIddictCoreBuilder
registers the OpenIddict token validation services in the DI container. ContainsOpenIddictValidationBuilder
contains extension methods to configure the OpenIddict core services.
These services contain:
- Adding
. - Replacing
. - Replacing
. - Setting
contains extension methods to configure OpenIddict server services.
These services contain:
- Registering claims, scopes.
- Setting the
URI that is used as the base address for the endpoint URIs returned from the discovery endpoint. - Adding development signing keys, encryption/signing keys, credentials, and certificates.
- Adding/removing event handlers.
- Enabling/disabling grant types.
- Setting authentication server endpoint URIs.
contains extension methods to configure OpenIddict validation services.
These services contain:
for resource servers.SetIssuer()
URI that is used to determine the actual location of the OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect configuration document when using provider discovery.SetConfiguration()
to configureOpenIdConnectConfiguration
to use introspection instead of local/direct validation.- Adding encryption key, credentials, and certificates.
- Adding/removing event handlers.
to set the client identifierclient_id
when communicating with the remote authorization server (e.g for introspection).SetClientSecret()
to set the identifierclient_secret
when communicating with the remote authorization server (e.g for introspection).EnableAuthorizationEntryValidation()
to enable authorization validation to ensure theaccess token
is still valid by making a database call for each API request. Note: This may have a negative impact on performance and can only be used with an OpenIddict-based authorization server.EnableTokenEntryValidation()
to enable authorization validation to ensure theaccess token
is still valid by making a database call for each API request. Note: This may have a negative impact on performance and it is required when the OpenIddict server is configured to use reference tokens.UseLocalServer()
to register the OpenIddict validation/server integration services.UseAspNetCore()
to register the OpenIddict validation services for ASP.NET Core in the DI container.
Domain Layer
OpenIddictApplications represent the applications that can request tokens from your OpenIddict Server.
(aggregate root): Represents an OpenIddict application.ClientId
(string): The client identifier associated with the current application.ClientSecret
(string): The client secret associated with the current application. Maybe hashed or encrypted for security reasons.ConsentType
(string): The consent type associated with the current application.DisplayName
(string): The display name associated with the current application.DisplayNames
(string): The localized display names associated with the current application serialized as a JSON object.Permissions
(string): The permissions associated with the current application, serialized as a JSON array.PostLogoutRedirectUris
(string): The logout callback URLs associated with the current application, serialized as a JSON array.Properties
(string): The additional properties associated with the current application serialized as a JSON object or null.RedirectUris
(string): The callback URLs associated with the current application, serialized as a JSON array.Requirements
(string): The requirements associated with the current applicationType
(string): The application type associated with the current application.ClientUri
(string): URI to further information about client.LogoUri
(string): URI to client logo.
OpenIddictAuthorizations are used to keep the allowed scopes, authorization flow types.
(aggregate root): Represents an OpenIddict authorization.ApplicationId
(Guid?): The application associated with the current authorization.Properties
(string): The additional properties associated with the current authorization serialized as a JSON object or null.Scopes
(string): The scopes associated with the current authorization, serialized as a JSON array.Status
(string): The status of the current authorization.Subject
(string): The subject associated with the current authorization.Type
(string): The type of the current authorization.
OpenIddictScopes are used to keep the scopes of resources.
(aggregate root): Represents an OpenIddict scope.Description
(string): The public description associated with the current scope.Descriptions
(string): The localized public descriptions associated with the current scope, serialized as a JSON object.DisplayName
(string): The display name associated with the current scope.DisplayNames
(string): The localized display names associated with the current scope serialized as a JSON object.Name
(string): The unique name associated with the current scope.Properties
(string): The additional properties associated with the current scope serialized as a JSON object or null.Resources
(string): The resources associated with the current scope, serialized as a JSON array.
OpenIddictTokens are used to persist the application tokens.
(aggregate root): Represents an OpenIddict token.ApplicationId
(Guid?): The application associated with the current token.AuthorizationId
(Guid?): The application associated with the current token.CreationDate
(DateTime?): The UTC creation date of the current token.ExpirationDate
(DateTime?): The UTC expiration date of the current token.Payload
(string): The payload of the current token, if applicable. Only used for reference tokens and may be encrypted for security reasons.Properties
(string): The additional properties associated with the current token serialized as a JSON object or null.RedemptionDate
(DateTime?): The UTC redemption date of the current token.Status
(string): The status of the current authorization.ReferenceId
(string): The reference identifier associated with the current token, if applicable. Only used for reference tokens and may be hashed or encrypted for security reasons.Status
(string): The status of the current token.Subject
(string): The subject associated with the current token.Type
(string): The type of the current token.
This module implements OpenIddict stores:
You can configure the PruneIsolationLevel/DeleteIsolationLevel
of AbpOpenIddictStoreOptions
to set the isolation level for the store operations becasue different databases have different isolation levels.
The following custom repositories are defined in this module:
Domain Services
This module doesn't contain any domain service but overrides the service below:
used to populate/getAbpApplicationDescriptor
information that containsClientUri
Database Providers
Table/Collection Prefix & Schema
All tables/collections use the OpenIddict
prefix by default. Set static properties on the AbpOpenIddictDbProperties
class if you need to change the table prefix or set a schema name (if supported by your database provider).
Connection String
This module uses AbpOpenIddict
for the connection string name. If you don't define a connection string with this name, it fallbacks to the Default
connection string.
See the connection strings documentation for details.
Entity Framework Core
- OpenIddictApplications
- OpenIddictAuthorizations
- OpenIddictScopes
- OpenIddictTokens
- OpenIddictApplications
- OpenIddictAuthorizations
- OpenIddictScopes
- OpenIddictTokens
ASP.NET Core Module
This module integrates ASP NET Core, with built-in MVC controllers for four protocols. It uses OpenIddict's Pass-through mode.
Device flow implementation will be done in the commercial module.
can be configured in the PreConfigureServices
method of your OpenIddict module.
UpdateAbpClaimTypes(default: true)
: UpdatesAbpClaimTypes
to be compatible with the Openiddict claims.AddDevelopmentEncryptionAndSigningCertificate(default: true)
: Registers (and generates if necessary) a user-specific development encryption/development signing certificate. This is a certificate used for signing and encrypting the tokens and for development environment only. You must set it to false for non-development environments.
cannot be used in applications deployed on IIS or Azure App Service: trying to use them on IIS or Azure App Service will result in an exception being thrown at runtime (unless the application pool is configured to load a user profile). To avoid that, consider creating self-signed certificates and storing them in the X.509 certificates store of the host machine(s). Please refer to: https://documentation.openiddict.com/configuration/encryption-and-signing-credentials.html#registering-a-development-certificate
Automatically Removing Orphaned Tokens/Authorizations
The background task that automatically removes orphaned tokens/authorizations. This can be configured by TokenCleanupOptions
to manage it.
can be configured in the ConfigureServices
method of your OpenIddict module.
(default: true): Enable/disable token clean up.CleanupPeriod
(default: 3,600,000 ms): Setting clean up period.DisableAuthorizationPruning
: Setting a boolean indicating whether authorizations pruning should be disabled.DisableTokenPruning
: Setting a boolean indicating whether token pruning should be disabled.MinimumAuthorizationLifespan
(default: 14 days): Setting the minimum lifespan authorizations must have to be pruned. Cannot be less than 10 minutes.MinimumTokenLifespan
(default: 14 days): Setting the minimum lifespan tokens must have to be pruned. Cannot be less than 10 minutes.
Updating Claims In Access_token and Id_token
Claims Principal Factory can be used to add/remove claims to the ClaimsPrincipal
The AbpDefaultOpenIddictClaimsPrincipalHandler
service will add Name
, Email,
and Role
types of Claims to access_token
and id_token
, other claims are only added to access_token
by default, and remove the SecurityStampClaimType
secret claim of Identity
Create a service that inherits from IAbpOpenIddictClaimsPrincipalHandler
and add it to DI to fully control the destinations of claims.
For detailed information, please refer to: OpenIddict claim destinations
Disable AccessToken Encryption
ABP disables the access token encryption
by default for compatibility, it can be enabled manually if needed.
Disable Transport Security Requirement
By default, OpenIddict requires the use of HTTPS for all endpoints. You can disable it if it's needed. You just need to configure the OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreOptions
and set DisableTransportSecurityRequirement
as true:
Request/Response Process
The OpenIddict.Server.AspNetCore
adds an authentication scheme(Name: OpenIddict.Server.AspNetCore, handler: OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreHandler
) and implements the IAuthenticationRequestHandler
It will be executed first in AuthenticationMiddleware
and can short-circuit the current request. Otherwise, DefaultAuthenticateScheme
will be called and continue to execute the pipeline.
will call various built-in handlers (handling requests and responses), And the handler will process according to the context or skip logic that has nothing to do with it.
Example of a token request:
POST /connect/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
scope=AbpAPI offline_access
This request will be processed by various handlers. They will confirm the endpoint type of the request, check HTTP/HTTPS
, verify that the request parameters (client. scope, etc
) are valid and exist in the database, etc. Various protocol checks. And build a OpenIddictRequest
object, If there are any errors, the response content may be set and directly short-circuit the current request.
If everything is ok, the request will go to our processing controller(eg TokenController
), we can get an OpenIddictRequest
from the HTTP request at this time. The rest will be based on this object.
Check the username
and password
in the request. If it is correct create a ClaimsPrincipal
object and return a SignInResult
, which uses the OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore
authentication scheme name, will calls OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreHandler
for processing.
do some checks to generate json and replace the http response content.
The ForbidResult
are all the above types of processing.
If you need to customize OpenIddict, you need to replace/delete/add new handlers and make it execute in the correct order.
Please refer to: https://documentation.openiddict.com/guides/index.html#events-model
Setting Tokens Lifetime
Update PreConfigureServices
method of AuthServerModule (or HttpApiHostModule if you don't have tiered/separate-authserver) file:
Refresh Token
To use refresh token, it must be supported by OpenIddictServer and the refresh_token
must be requested by the application.
Note: Angular application is already configured to use
Configuring OpenIddictServer
Update the OpenIddictDataSeedContributor, add OpenIddictConstants.GrantTypes.RefreshToken
to grant types in CreateApplicationAsync
Note: You need to re-create this client if you have generated the database already.
Configuring Application:
You need to request the offline_access scope to be able to receive refresh_token
In Razor/MVC, Blazor-Server applications, add options.Scope.Add("offline_access");
to OpenIdConnect options. These application templates are using cookie authentication by default and has default cookie expire options set as:
Cookie ExpireTimeSpan will ignore access_token expiration and expired access_token will still be valid if it is set to higher value than the refresh_token lifetime
. It is recommended to keep Cookie ExpireTimeSpan and the Refresh Token lifetime same, hence the new token will be persisted in the cookie.
In Blazor wasm applications, add options.ProviderOptions.DefaultScopes.Add("offline_access");
to AddOidcAuthentication options.
In Angular applications, add offline_access
to oAuthConfig scopes in environment.ts file. (Angular applications already have this configuration).
About localization
We don't localize any error messages in the OpenIddict module, Because the OAuth 2.0 specification restricts the charset you're allowed to use for the error and error_description parameters:
A.7. "error" Syntax The "error" element is defined in Sections,, 5.2, 7.2, and 8.5:
error = 1*NQSCHAR
A.8. "error_description" Syntax T he "error_description" element is defined in Sections,, 5.2, and 7.2:
error-description = 1*NQSCHAR
NQSCHAR = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E
Demo projects
In the module's app
directory there are six projects(including angular
: An abp application with integrated modules (has twoclients
and ascope
: ASP NET Core API application using JwtBearer authentication.OpenIddict.Demo.Client.Mvc
: ASP NET Core MVC application usingOpenIdConnect
for authentication.OpenIddict.Demo.Client.Console
: UseIdentityModel
to test OpenIddict's various endpoints, and call the api ofOpenIddict.Demo.API
ASP NET Core Blazor application usingOidcAuthentication
for authentication.angular
: An angular application that integrates the abp ng modules and uses oauth for authentication.
How to run?
Confirm the connection string of appsettings.json
in the OpenIddict.Demo.Server
project. Running the project will automatically create the database and initialize the data.
After running the OpenIddict.Demo.API
project, then you can run the rest of the projects to test.
Migrating Guide
Migrating from IdentityServer to OpenIddict Step by Step Guide