UI Tests

In general, there are two types of UI Tests:

  • Non Visual Tests
  • Visual Tests

Non Visual Tests

Such tests completely depends on your UI Framework choice:

  • For an MVC / Razor Pages UI, you typically make request to the server, get some HTML and test if some expected DOM elements exist in the returned result.
  • Angular has its own infrastructure and practices to test the components, views and services.

See the following documents to learn Non Visual UI Testing:

Visual Tests

Visual Tests are used to interact with the application UI just like a real user does. It fully tests the application, including the visual appearance of the pages and components.

Visual UI Testing is out of the scope for the ABP. There are a lot of tooling in the industry (like Selenium) that you can use to test your application's UI.


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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