Migrating from ASP.NET Boilerplate to the ABP

ABP is the successor of the open source ASP.NET Boilerplate framework. This guide aims to help you to migrate your existing solutions (you developed with the ASP.NET Boilerplate framework) to the ABP.


ASP.NET Boilerplate is being actively developed since 2013. It is loved, used and contributed by the community. It started as a side project of a developer, but now it is officially maintained and improved by the company Volosoft in addition to the great community support.

ABP has the same goal of the ASP.NET Boilerplate framework: Don't Repeat Yourself! It provides infrastructure, tools and startup templates to make a developer's life easier while developing enterprise software solutions.

See the introduction blog post if you wonder why we needed to re-write the ASP.NET Boilerplate framework.

Should I Migrate?

No, you don't have to!

  • ASP.NET Boilerplate is still in active development and maintenance.
  • It also works on the latest ASP.NET Core and related libraries and tools. It is up to date.

However, if you want to take the advantage of the new ABP features and the new architecture opportunities (like support for NoSQL databases, microservice compatibility, advanced modularity), you can use this document as a guide.

What About the ASP.NET Zero?

ASP.NET Zero is a commercial product developed by the core ASP.NET Boilerplate team, on top of the ASP.NET Boilerplate framework. It provides pre-built application features, code generation tooling and a nice looking modern UI. It is trusted and used by thousands of companies from all around the World.

We have created the ABP as an alternative to the ASP.NET Zero. ABP is more modular and upgradeable compared to the ASP.NET Zero. It currently has less features compared to ASP.NET Zero, but the gap will be closed by the time (it also has some features don't exist in the ASP.NET Zero).

We think ASP.NET Zero is still a good choice while starting a new application. It is production ready and mature solution delivered as a full source code. It is being actively developed and we are constantly adding new features.

We don't suggest to migrate your ASP.NET Zero based solution to the ABP if;

  • Your ASP.NET Zero solution is mature and it is in maintenance rather than a rapid development.
  • You don't have enough development time to perform the migration.
  • A monolithic solution fits in your business.
  • You've customized existing ASP.NET Zero features too much based on your requirements.

We also suggest you to compare the features of two products based on your needs.

If you have an ASP.NET Zero based solution and want to migrate to the ABP, this guide will also help you.

ASP.NET MVC 5.x Projects

The ABP doesn't support ASP.NET MVC 5.x, it only works with ASP.NET Core. So, if you migrate your ASP.NET MVC 5.x based projects, you will also deal with the .NET Core migration.

The Migration Progress

We've designed the ABP by getting the best parts of the ASP.NET Boilerplate framework, so it will be familiar to you if you've developed ASP.NET Boilerplate based applications.

In the ASP.NET Boilerplate, we have not worked much on the UI side, but used some free themes (we've used metronic theme for ASP.NET Zero on the other side). In the ABP, we worked a lot on the UI side (especially for the MVC / Razor Pages UI, because Angular already has a good modular system of its own). So, the most challenging part of the migration will be the User Interface of your solution.

ABP is (and ASP.NET Boilerplate was) designed based on the Domain Driven Design patterns & principles and the startup templates are layered based on the DDD layers. So, this guide respects to that layering model and explains the migration layer by layer.

Creating the Solution

First step of the migration is to create a new solution. We suggest you to create a fresh new project using the startup templates (see this document for the ABP).

After creating the project and running the application, you can copy your code from your existing solution to the new solution step by step, layer by layer.

About Pre-Built Modules

The startup projects for the ABP use the pre-built modules (not all of them, but the essentials) and themes as NuGet/NPM packages. So, you don't see the source code of the modules/themes in your solution. This has an advantage that you can easily update these packages when a new version is released. However, you can not easily customize them as their source code in your hands.

We suggest to continue to use these modules as package references, in this way you can get new features easily (see abp update command). In this case, you have a few options to customize or extend the functionality of the used modules;

  • You can create your own entity and share the same database table with an entity in a used module. An example of this is the AppUser entity comes in the startup template.
  • You can replace a domain service, application service, controller, page model or other types of services with your own implementation. We suggest you to inherit from the existing implementation and override the method you need.
  • You can replace a .cshtml view, page, view component, partial view... with your own one using the Virtual File System.
  • You can override javascript, css, image or any other type of static files using the Virtual File System.

More extend/customization options will be developed and documented by the time. However, if you need to fully change the module implementation, it is best to add the source code of the related module into your own solution and remove the package dependencies.

The source code of the modules and the themes are MIT licensed, you can fully own and customize it without any limitation (for the ABP, you can download the source code of a module/theme if you have a license type that includes the source code).

The Domain Layer

Most of your domain layer code will remain same, while you need to perform some minor changes in your domain objects.

Aggregate Roots & Entities

The ABP and the ASP.NET Boilerplate both have the IEntity and IEntity<T> interfaces and Entity and Entity<T> base classes to define entities but they have some differences.

If you have an entity in the ASP.NET Boilerplate application like that:

public class Person : Entity //Default PK is int for the ASP.NET Boilerplate

Then your primary key (the Id property in the base class) is int which is the default primary key (PK) type for the ASP.NET Boilerplate. If you want to set another type of PK, you need to explicitly declare it:

public class Person : Entity<Guid> //Set explicit PK in the ASP.NET Boilerplate

ABP behaves differently and expects to always explicitly set the PK type:

public class Person : Entity<Guid> //Set explicit PK in the ASP.NET Boilerplate

Id property (and the corresponding PK in the database) will be Guid in this case.

Composite Primary Keys

ABP also has a non-generic Entity base class, but this time it has no Id property. Its purpose is to allow you to create entities with composite PKs. See the documentation to learn more about the composite PKs.

Aggregate Root

It is best practice now to use the AggregateRoot base class instead of Entity for aggregate root entities. See the documentation to learn more about the aggregate roots.

In opposite to the ASP.NET Boilerplate, the ABP creates default repositories (IRepository<T>) only for the aggregate roots. It doesn't create for other types derived from the Entity.

If you still want to create default repositories for all entity types, find the YourProjectNameEntityFrameworkCoreModule class in your solution and change options.AddDefaultRepositories() to options.AddDefaultRepositories(includeAllEntities: true) (it may be already like that for the application startup template).

Migrating the Existing Entities

We suggest & use the GUID as the PK type for all the ABP modules. However, you can continue to use your existing PK types to migrate your database tables easier.

The challenging part will be the primary keys of the ASP.NET Boilerplate related entities, like Users, Roles, Tenants, Settings... etc. Our suggestion is to copy data from existing database to the new database tables using a tool or in a manual way (be careful about the foreign key values).


See the documentation for details on the entities:


ABP creates default repositories (IRepository<T>) only for the aggregate roots. It doesn't create for other types derived from the Entity. See the "Aggregate Root" section above for more information.

The ABP and the ASP.NET Boilerplate both have the default generic repository system, but has some differences.

Injecting the Repositories

In the ASP.NET Boilerplate, there are two default repository interfaces you can directly inject and use:

  • IRepository<TEntity> (e.g. IRepository<Person>) is used for entities with int primary key (PK) which is the default PK type.
  • IRepository<TEntity, TKey> (e.g. IRepository<Person, Guid>) is used for entities with other types of PKs.

ABP doesn't have a default PK type, so you need to explicitly declare the PK type of your entity, like IRepository<Person, int> or IRepository<Person, Guid>.

ABP also has the IRepository<TEntity> (without PK), but it is mostly used when your entity has a composite PK (because this repository has no methods work with the Id property). See the documentation to learn more about the composite PKs.

Restricted Repositories

ABP additionally provides a few repository interfaces:

  • IBasicRepository<TEntity, TKey> has the same methods with the IRepository except it doesn't have IQueryable support. It can be useful if you don't want to expose complex querying code to the application layer. In this case, you typically want to create custom repositories to encapsulate the querying logic. It is also useful for database providers those don't support IQueryable.
  • IReadOnlyRepository<TEntity,TKey> has the methods get data from the database, but doesn't contain any method change the database.
  • IReadOnlyBasicRepository<TEntity, TKey> is similar to the read only repository but also doesn't support IQueryable.

All the interfaces also have versions without TKey (like ``IReadOnlyRepository`) those can be used for composite PKs just like explained above.

GetAll() vs IQueryable

ASP.NET Boilerplate's repository has a GetAll() method that is used to obtain an IQueryable object to execute LINQ on it. An example application service calls the GetAll() method:

public class PersonAppService : ApplicationService, IPersonAppService
    private readonly IRepository<Person, Guid> _personRepository;

    public PersonAppService(IRepository<Person, Guid> personRepository)
        _personRepository = personRepository;

    public async Task DoIt()
        var people = await _personRepository
            .GetAll() //GetAll() returns IQueryable
            .Where(p => p.BirthYear > 2000) //Use LINQ extension methods

ABP's repository have GetQueryableAsync instead:

public class PersonAppService : ApplicationService, IPersonAppService
    private readonly IRepository<Person, Guid> _personRepository;

    public PersonAppService(IRepository<Person, Guid> personRepository)
        _personRepository = personRepository;

    public async Task DoIt()
        var queryable = await _personRepository.GetQueryableAsync();
        var people = await queryable
            .Where(p => p.BirthYear > 2000) //Use LINQ extension methods

Note that in order to use the async LINQ extension methods (like ToListAsync here), you may need to depend on the database provider (like EF Core) since these methods are defined in the database provider package, they are not standard LINQ methods. See the repository document for alternative approaches for async query execution.

FirstOrDefault(predicate), Single()... Methods

ABP repository has not such methods get predicate (expression) since the repository itself is IQueryable and all these methods are already standard LINQ extension methods those can be directly used.

However, it provides the following methods those can be used to query a single entity by its Id:

  • FindAsync(id) returns the entity or null if not found.
  • GetAsync(id) method returns the entity or throws an EntityNotFoundException (which causes HTTP 404 status code) if not found.

Sync vs Async

ABP repository has no sync methods (like Insert). All the methods are async (like InsertAsync). So, if your application has sync repository method usages, convert them to async versions.

In general, ABP forces you to completely use async everywhere, because mixing async & sync methods is not a recommended approach.


See the documentation for details on the repositories:

Domain Services

Your domain service logic mostly remains same on the migration. ABP also defines the base DomainService class and the IDomainService interface just works like the ASP.NET Boilerplate.

The Application Layer

Your application service logic remains similar on the migration. ABP also defines the base ApplicationService class and the IApplicationService interface just works like the ASP.NET Boilerplate, but there are some differences in details.

Declarative Authorization

ASP.NET Boilerplate has AbpAuthorize and AbpMvcAuthorize attributes for declarative authorization. Example usage:

public async Task DeleteUserAsync(...)

ABP doesn't has such a custom attribute. It uses the standard Authorize attribute in all layers.

public async Task DeleteUserAsync(...)

This is possible with the better integration to the Microsoft Authorization Extensions libraries. See the Authorization section below for more information about the authorization system.

CrudAppService and AsyncCrudAppService Classes

ASP.NET Boilerplate has CrudAppService (with sync service methods) and AsyncCrudAppService (with async service methods) classes.

ABP only has the CrudAppService which actually has only the async methods (instead of sync methods).

ABP's CrudAppService method signatures are slightly different than the old one. For example, old update method signature was Task<TEntityDto> UpdateAsync(TUpdateInput input) while the new one is Task<TGetOutputDto> UpdateAsync(TKey id, TUpdateInput input). The main difference is that it gets the Id of the updating entity as a separate parameter instead of including in the input DTO.

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)

There are similar base DTO classes (like EntityDto) in the ABP too. So, you can find the corresponding DTO base class if you need.


You can continue to use the data annotation attributes to validate your DTOs just like in the ASP.NET Boilerplate.

ABP doesn't include the ICustomValidate that does exists in the ASP.NET Boilerplate. Instead, you should implement the standard IValidatableObject interface for your custom validation logic.

The Infrastructure Layer


ASP.NET Boilerplate uses the Abp.* namespaces while the ABP uses the Volo.Abp.* namespaces for the framework and pre-built fundamental modules.

In addition, there are also some pre-built application modules (like docs and blog modules) those are using the Volo.* namespaces (like Volo.Blogging.* and Volo.Docs.*). We consider these modules as standalone open source products developed by Volosoft rather than add-ons or generic modules completing the ABP and used in the applications. We've developed them as a module to make them re-usable as a part of a bigger solution.

Module System

Both of the ASP.NET Boilerplate and the ABP have the AbpModule while they are a bit different.

ASP.NET Boilerplate's AbpModule class has PreInitialize, Initialize and PostInitialize methods you can override and configure the framework and the depended modules. You can also register and resolve dependencies in these methods.

ABP's AbpModule class has the ConfigureServices and OnApplicationInitialization methods (and their Pre and Post versions). It is similar to ASP.NET Core's Startup class. You configure other services and register dependencies in the ConfigureServices. However, you can now resolve dependencies in that point. You can resolve dependencies and configure the ASP.NET Core pipeline in the OnApplicationInitialization method while you can not register dependencies here. So, the new module classes separate dependency registration phase from dependency resolution phase since it follows the ASP.NET Core's approach.

Dependency Injection

The DI Framework

ASP.NET Boilerplate is using the Castle Windsor as the dependency injection framework. This is a fundamental dependency of the ASP.NET Boilerplate framework. We've got a lot of feedback to make the ASP.NET Boilerplate DI framework agnostic, but it was not so easy because of the design.

ABP is dependency injection framework independent since it uses Microsoft's Dependency Injection Extensions library as an abstraction. None of the ABP or module packages depends on any specific library.

However, ABP doesn't use the Microsoft's base DI library because it has some missing features ABP needs to: Property Injection and Interception. All the startup templates and the samples are using the Autofac as the DI library and it is the only officially integrated library to the ABP. We suggest you to use the Autofac with the ABP if you have not a good reason. If you have a good reason, please create an issue on GitHub to request it or just implement it and send a pull request :)

Registering the Dependencies

Registering the dependencies are similar and mostly handled by the framework conventionally (like repositories, application services, controllers... etc). Implement the same ITransientDependency, ISingletonDependency and IScopedDependency interfaces for the services not registered by conventions.

When you need to manually register dependencies, use the context.Services in the ConfigureServices method of your module. Example:

public class BlogModule : AbpModule
    public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
        //Register an instance as singleton
        context.Services.AddSingleton<TaxCalculator>(new TaxCalculator(taxRatio: 0.18));

        //Register a factory method that resolves from IServiceProvider
            sp => sp.GetRequiredService<TaxCalculator>()

See the ABP dependency injection document for details.

Configuration vs Options System

ASP.NET Boilerplate has its own configuration system to configure the framework and the modules. For example, you could disable the audit logging in the Initialize method of your module:

public override void Initialize()
    Configuration.Auditing.IsEnabled = false;

ABP uses the options pattern to configure the framework and the modules. You typically configure the options in the ConfigureServices method of your module:

public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
    Configure<AbpAuditingOptions>(options =>
        options.IsEnabled = false;

Instead of a central configuration object, there are separated option classes for every module and feature those are defined in the related documents.

IAbpSession vs ICurrentUser and ICurrentTenant

ASP.NET Boilerplate's IAbpSession service is used to obtain the current user and tenant information, like UserId and TenantId.

ABP doesn't have the same service. Instead, use ICurrentUser and ICurrentTenant services. These services are defined as base properties in some common classes (like ApplicationService and AbpController), so you generally don't need to manually inject them. They also have much properties compared to the IAbpSession.


ABP extends the ASP.NET Core Authorization by adding permissions as auto policies and allowing the authorization system to be usable in the application services too.

AbpAuthorize vs Authorize

Use the standard [Authorize] and [AllowAnonymous] attributes instead of ASP.NET Boilerplate's custom [AbpAuthorize] and [AbpAllowAnonymous] attributes.

IPermissionChecker vs IAuthorizationService

Use the standard IAuthorizationService to check permissions instead of the ASP.NET Boilerplate's IPermissionChecker service. While IPermissionChecker also exists in the ABP, it is used to explicitly use the permissions. Using IAuthorizationService is the recommended way since it covers other type of policy checks too.

AuthorizationProvider vs PermissionDefinitionProvider

You inherit from the AuthorizationProvider in the ASP.NET Boilerplate to define your permissions. ABP replaces it by the PermissionDefinitionProvider base class. So, define your permissions by inheriting from the PermissionDefinitionProvider class.

Unit of Work

Unit of work system has been designed to work seamlessly. For most of the cases, you don't need to change anything.

UnitOfWork attribute of the ABP doesn't have the ScopeOption (type of TransactionScopeOption) property. Instead, use IUnitOfWorkManager.Begin() method with requiresNew = true to create an independent inner transaction in a transaction scope.

Data Filters

ASP.NET Boilerplate implements the data filtering system as a part of the unit of work. ABP has a separate IDataFilter service.

See the data filtering document to learn how to enable/disable a filter.

See the UOW documentation for more about the UOW system.


IMustHaveTenant & IMayHaveTenant vs IMultiTenant

ASP.NET Boilerplate defines IMustHaveTenant and IMayHaveTenant interfaces to implement them for your entities. In this way, your entities are automatically filtered according to the current tenant. Because of the design, there was a problem: You had to create a "Default" tenant in the database with "1" as the Id if you want to create a non multi-tenant application (this "Default" tenant was used as the single tenant).

ABP has a single interface for multi-tenant entities: IMultiTenant which defines a nullable TenantId property of type Guid. If your application is not multi-tenant, then your entities will have null TenantId (instead of a default one).

On the migration, you need to change the TenantId field type and replace these interfaces with the IMultiTenant

Switch Between Tenants

In some cases you might need to switch to a tenant for a code scope and work with the tenant's data in this scope.

In ASP.NET Boilerplate, it is done using the IUnitOfWorkManager service:

public async Task<List<Product>> GetProducts(int tenantId)
    using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(tenantId))
        return await _productRepository.GetAllListAsync();

In the ABP it is done with the ICurrentTenant service:

public async Task<List<Product>> GetProducts(Guid tenantId)
    using (_currentTenant.Change(tenantId))
        return await _productRepository.GetListAsync();

Pass null to the Change method to switch to the host side.


ASP.NET Boilerplate has its own distributed caching abstraction which has in-memory and Redis implementations. You typically inject the ICacheManager service and use its GetCache(...) method to obtain a cache, then get and set objects in the cache.

ABP uses and extends ASP.NET Core's distributed caching abstraction. It defines the IDistributedCache<T> services to inject a cache and get/set objects.


ASP.NET Boilerplate uses Castle Windsor's logging facility as an abstraction and supports multiple logging providers including Log4Net (the default one comes with the startup projects) and Serilog. You typically property-inject the logger:

using Castle.Core.Logging; //1: Import Logging namespace

public class TaskAppService : ITaskAppService
    //2: Getting a logger using property injection
    public ILogger Logger { get; set; }

    public TaskAppService()
        //3: Do not write logs if no Logger supplied.
        Logger = NullLogger.Instance;

    public void CreateTask(CreateTaskInput input)
        //4: Write logs
        Logger.Info("Creating a new task with description: " + input.Description);

ABP depends on Microsoft's logging extensions library which is also an abstraction and there are many providers implement it. Startup templates are using the Serilog as the pre-configured logging libary while it is easy to change in your project. The usage pattern is similar:

//1: Import the Logging namespaces
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;

public class TaskAppService : ITaskAppService
    //2: Getting a logger using property injection
    public ILogger<TaskAppService> Logger { get; set; }

    public TaskAppService()
        //3: Do not write logs if no Logger supplied.
        Logger = NullLogger<TaskAppService>.Instance;

    public void CreateTask(CreateTaskInput input)
        //4: Write logs
        Logger.Info("Creating a new task with description: " + input.Description);

You inject the ILogger<T> instead of the ILogger.

Object to Object Mapping

IObjectMapper Service

ASP.NET Boilerplate defines an IObjectMapper service (see) and has an integration to the AutoMapper library.

Example usage: Create a User object with the given CreateUserInput object:

public void CreateUser(CreateUserInput input)
    var user = ObjectMapper.Map<User>(input);

Example: Update an existing User properties with the given UpdateUserInput object:

public async Task UpdateUserAsync(Guid id, UpdateUserInput input)
    var user = await _userRepository.GetAsync(id);
    ObjectMapper.Map(input, user);

ABP has the same IObjectMapper service (see) and the AutoMapper integration with a slightly different mapping methods.

Example usage: Create a User object with the given CreateUserInput object:

public void CreateUser(CreateUserInput input)
    var user = ObjectMapper.Map<CreateUserInput, User>(input);

This time you need to explicitly declare the source type and target type (while ASP.NET Boilerplate was requiring only the target type).

Example: Update an existing User properties with the given UpdateUserInput object:

public async Task UpdateUserAsync(Guid id, UpdateUserInput input)
    var user = await _userRepository.GetAsync(id);
    ObjectMapper.Map<UpdateUserInput, User>(input, user);

Again, ABP expects to explicitly set the source and target types.

AutoMapper Integration

Auto Mapping Attributes

ASP.NET Boilerplate has AutoMapTo, AutoMapFrom and AutoMap attributes to automatically create mappings for the declared types. Example:

public class CreateUserInput
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Surname { get; set; }

ABP has no such attributes, because AutoMapper as a similar attribute now. You need to switch to AutoMapper's attribute.

Mapping Definitions

ABP follows AutoMapper principles closely. You can define classes derived from the Profile class to define your mappings.

Configuration Validation

Configuration validation is a best practice for the AutoMapper to maintain your mapping configuration in a safe way.

See the documentation for more information related to the object mapping.

Setting Management

Defining the Settings

In an ASP.NET Boilerplate based application, you create a class deriving from the SettingProvider class, implement the GetSettingDefinitions method and add your class to the Configuration.Settings.Providers list.

In the ABP, you need to derive your class from the SettingDefinitionProvider and implement the Define method. You don't need to register your class since the ABP automatically discovers it.

Getting the Setting Values

ASP.NET Boilerplate provides the ISettingManager to read the setting values in the server side and abp.setting.get(...) method in the JavaScript side.

ABP has the ISettingProvider service to read the setting values in the server side and abp.setting.get(...) method in the JavaScript side.

Setting the Setting Values

For ASP.NET Boilerplate, you use the same ISettingManager service to change the setting values.

ABP separates it and provides the setting management module (pre-added to the startup projects) which has the ISettingManager to change the setting values. This separation was introduced to support tiered deployment scenarios (where ISettingProvider can also work in the client application while ISettingManager can also work in the server (API) side).


ASP.NET Boilerplate has a static Clock service (see) which is used to abstract the DateTime kind, so you can easily switch between Local and UTC times. You don't inject it, but just use the Clock.Now static method to obtain the current time.

ABP has the IClock service (see) which has a similar goal, but now you need to inject it whenever you need it.

Event Bus

ASP.NET Boilerplate has an in-process event bus system. You typically inject the IEventBus (or use the static instance EventBus.Default) to trigger an event. It automatically triggers events for entity changes (like EntityCreatingEventData and EntityUpdatedEventData). You create a class by implementing the IEventHandler<T> interface.

ABP separates the event bus into two services: ILocalEventBus and IDistributedEventBus.

The local event bus is similar to the event bus of the ASP.NET Boilerplate while the distributed event bus is new feature introduced in the ABP.

So, to migrate your code;

  • Use the ILocalEventBus instead of the IEventBus.
  • Implement the ILocalEventHandler instead of the IEventHandler.

Note that ABP has also an IEventBus interface, but it does exists to be a common interface for the local and distributed event bus. It is not injected and directly used.

Feature Management

Feature system is used in multi-tenant applications to define features of your application check if given feature is available for the current tenant.

Defining Features

In the ASP.NET Boilerplate (see), you create a class inheriting from the FeatureProvider, override the SetFeatures method and add your class to the Configuration.Features.Providers list.

In the ABP (see), you derive your class from the FeatureDefinitionProvider and override the Define method. No need to add your class to the configuration, it is automatically discovered by the framework.

Checking Features

You can continue to use the RequiresFeature attribute and IFeatureChecker service to check if a feature is enabled for the current tenant.

Changing the Feature Values

In the ABP you use the IFeatureManager to change a feature value for a tenant.

Audit Logging

The ASP.NET Boilerplate (see) and the ABP (see) has similar audit logging systems. ABP requires to add UseAuditing() middleware to the ASP.NET Core pipeline, which is already added in the startup templates. So, most of the times it will be work out of the box.


ASP.NET Boilerplate supports XML and JSON files to define the localization key-values for the UI (see). ABP only supports the JSON formatter localization files (see). So, you need to convert your XML file to JSON.

The ASP.NET Boilerplate has its own the ILocalizationManager service to be injected and used for the localization in the server side.

The ABP uses Microsoft localization extension library, so it is completely integrated to ASP.NET Core. You use the IStringLocalizer<T> service to get a localized text. Example:

public class MyService
    private readonly IStringLocalizer<TestResource> _localizer;

    public MyService(IStringLocalizer<TestResource> localizer)
        _localizer = localizer;

    public void Foo()
        var str = _localizer["HelloWorld"]; //Get a localized text

So, you need to replace ILocalizationManager usage by the IStringLocalizer.

It also provides API used in the client side:

var testResource = abp.localization.getResource('Test');
var str = testResource('HelloWorld');

It was like abp.localization.localize(...) in the ASP.NET Boilerplate.

In ASP.NET Boilerplate you create a class deriving from the NavigationProvider to define your menu elements. Menu items has requiredPermissionName attributes to restrict access to a menu element. Menu items were static and your class is executed only one time.

In the ABP you need to create a class implements the IMenuContributor interface. Your class is executed whenever the menu needs to be rendered. So, you can conditionally add menu items.

As an example, this is the menu contributor of the tenant management module:

public class AbpTenantManagementWebMainMenuContributor : IMenuContributor
    public async Task ConfigureMenuAsync(MenuConfigurationContext context)
        //Add items only to the main menu
        if (context.Menu.Name != StandardMenus.Main)

        //Get the standard administration menu item
        var administrationMenu = context.Menu.GetAdministration();

        //Resolve some needed services from the DI container
        var l = context.GetLocalizer<AbpTenantManagementResource>();

        var tenantManagementMenuItem = new ApplicationMenuItem(
            icon: "fa fa-users");


        //Conditionally add the "Tenants" menu item based on the permission
        if (await context.IsGrantedAsync(TenantManagementPermissions.Tenants.Default))
                new ApplicationMenuItem(
                    url: "/TenantManagement/Tenants"));

So, you need to check permission using the IAuthorizationService if you want to show a menu item only when the user has the related permission.

Navigation/Menu system is only for ASP.NET Core MVC / Razor Pages applications. Angular applications has a different system implemented in the startup templates.

Missing Features

The following features are not present for the ABP. Here, a list of some major missing features (and the related issue for that feature waiting on the ABP GitHub repository):

Some of these features will eventually be implemented. However, you can implement them yourself if they are important for you. If you want, you can contribute to the framework, it is appreciated.


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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