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ABP Version 8.1 Migration Guide

This document is a guide for upgrading ABP v8.0 solutions to ABP v8.1. There are some changes in this version that may affect your applications, please read it carefully and apply the necessary changes to your application.

Open-Source (Framework)

If you are using one of the open-source startup templates, then you can check the following sections to apply the related breaking changes:

Added NormalizedName property to Tenant

The Tenant entity has a new property called NormalizedName. It is used to find/cache a tenant by its name in a case-insensitive way. This property is automatically set when a tenant is created or updated. It gets the normalized name of the tenant name by UpperInvariantTenantNormalizer(ITenantNormalizer) service. You can implement this service to change the normalization logic.


The ITenantStore will use the NormalizedName parameter to get tenants, Please use the ITenantNormalizer to normalize the tenant name before calling the ITenantStore methods.

Update NormalizedName in appsettings.json

If your tenants defined in the appsettings.json file, you should add the NormalizedName property to your tenants.

"Tenants": [
      "Id": "446a5211-3d72-4339-9adc-845151f8ada0",
      "Name": "tenant1",
      "NormalizedName": "TENANT1" // <-- Add this property
      "Id": "25388015-ef1c-4355-9c18-f6b6ddbaf89d",
      "Name": "tenant2",
      "NormalizedName": "TENANT2", // <-- Add this property
      "ConnectionStrings": {
        "Default": "...tenant2's db connection string here..."

Update NormalizedName in the database

Please add a sql script to your migration to set the NormalizedName property of the existing tenants. You can use the following script:

This script is for the SQL Server database. You can change it for your database.

The table name SaasTenants is used for ABP Saas module. AbpTenants is for the ABP open-source Tenant Management module.

UPDATE SaasTenants SET NormalizedName = UPPER(Name) WHERE NormalizedName IS NULL OR NormalizedName = ''
/// <inheritdoc />
public partial class Add_NormalizedName : Migration
    /// <inheritdoc />
    protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
            name: "NormalizedName",
            table: "SaasTenants",
            type: "nvarchar(64)",
            nullable: false,
            defaultValue: "");

        migrationBuilder.Sql("UPDATE SaasTenants SET NormalizedName = UPPER(Name) WHERE NormalizedName IS NULL OR NormalizedName = ''");

            name: "IX_SaasTenants_NormalizedName",
            table: "SaasTenants",
            column: "NormalizedName");

    /// <inheritdoc />
    protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
            name: "IX_SaasTenants_NormalizedName",
            table: "SaasTenants");

            name: "NormalizedName",
            table: "SaasTenants");

See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/migrations/managing?tabs=dotnet-core-cli#adding-raw-sql to learn how to add raw SQL to migrations.

Use Asp.Versioning.Mvc to replace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning

The Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning packages are now deprecated and superseded by Asp.Versioning.Mvc. See the announcement here: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnet-api-versioning/discussions/807

The namespace of the [ControllerName] attribute has changed to using Asp.Versioning, Please update your code to use the new namespace.

Related PR: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/18380

New asynchronous methods for IAppUrlProvider

The IsRedirectAllowedUrl method of IAppUrlProvider has been changed to IsRedirectAllowedUrlAsync and it is now an async method. You should update your usage of IAppUrlProvider to use the new method.

Related PR: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/18492

New attribute: ExposeKeyedServiceAttribute

The new ExposeKeyedServiceAttribute is used to control which keyed services are provided by the related class. Example:

public class TaxCalculator: ICalculator, ITaxCalculator, ICanCalculate, ITransientDependency

In the example above, the TaxCalculator class exposes the ITaxCalculator interface with the key taxCalculator and the ICalculator interface with the key calculator. That means you can get keyed services from the IServiceProvider as shown below:

var taxCalculator = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredKeyedService<ITaxCalculator>("taxCalculator");
var calculator = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredKeyedService<ICalculator>("calculator");

Also, you can use the FromKeyedServicesAttribute to resolve a certain keyed service in the constructor:

public class MyClass
    public MyClass([FromKeyedServices("taxCalculator")] ITaxCalculator taxCalculator)
        TaxCalculator = taxCalculator;

Notice that the ExposeKeyedServiceAttribute only exposes the keyed services. So, you can not inject the ITaxCalculator or ICalculator interfaces in your application without using the FromKeyedServicesAttribute as shown in the example above. If you want to expose both keyed and non-keyed services, you can use the ExposeServicesAttribute and ExposeKeyedServiceAttribute attributes together as shown below:

[ExposeServices(typeof(ITaxCalculator), typeof(ICalculator))]
public class TaxCalculator: ICalculator, ITaxCalculator, ICanCalculate, ITransientDependency

This is a small Breaking Change because IOnServiceExposingContext has changed. You should update your usage of IOnServiceExposingContext if you have related code.

Related PR: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/18819


There is not a single breaking-change that affects the pro modules, nevertheless, please check the Open-Source (Framework) section above to ensure, there is not a change that you need to make in your application.


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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