Single Layer Solution: Overview
Some of the features mentioned in this document may not be available in the free version. We're using the * symbol to indicate that a feature is available in the Team and Higher licenses.
This document explains what the Single-Layer solution template offers.
Pre-Installed Libraries & Services
The following libraries and services come pre-installed and configured for both development and production environments. After creating your solution, you can modify or remove most of them as needed.
- Autofac for Dependency Injection.
- Serilog with File and Console logging providers.
- Swagger for exploring and testing HTTP APIs.
- OpenIddict as the built-in authentication server.
Pre-Configured Features
The solution comes with the following built-in and pre-configured features:
- Authentication is fully configured based on best practices.
- Permission (authorization), setting, feature and the localization management systems are pre-configured and ready to use.
- Background job system.
- BLOB storge system is installed with the database provider.
- On-the-fly database migration system (services automatically migrated their database schema when you deploy a new version). *
- Swagger authentication is configured to test the authorized HTTP APIs.
Fundamental Modules
The following modules are pre-installed and configured for the solution:
- Account to authenticate users (login, register, two factor auth *, etc)
- Identity to manage roles and users
- OpenIddict (the core part) to implement the OAuth authentication flows
In addition, Feature Management, Permission Management and Setting Management modules are pre-installed as they are the fundamental feature modules of the ABP.
Optional Modules
The following modules are optionally included in the solution, so you can select the ones you need:
- Audit Logging
- Chat *
- File Management *
- GDPR *
- Language Management *
- OpenIddict (Management UI) *
- Tenant Management (Multi-Tenancy) or SaaS *
- Text Template Management *
UI Theme
The LeptonX Lite or LeptonX theme * is pre-configured for the solution. You can select one of the color palettes (System, Light, or Dark) as default, while the end-user dynamically change it on the fly.
Other Options
Single-layer startup template asks for some preferences while creating your solution.
Database Providers
There are two database provider options are provided on a new solution creation:
- Entity Framework Core with SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL DBMS options. You can switch to another DBMS manually after creating your solution.
- MongoDB
UI Frameworks
The solution comes with a main web application with the following UI Framework options:
- None (doesn't include a UI application to the solution)
- Angular
- MVC / Razor Pages UI
- Blazor WebAssembly
- Blazor Server
Multi-Tenancy & SaaS Module *
The SaaS module is included as an option. When you select it, the multi-tenancy system is automatically configured. Otherwise, the system will not include any multi-tenancy overhead.