ABP v4.x to v5.0 Migration Guide

This document is a guide for upgrading ABP 4.x solutions to ABP 5.0. Please read them all since 5.0 has some important breaking changes.

Open-Source (Framework)

If you are using one of the open-source startup templates, then you can check the following sections to apply the related breaking changes:

.NET 6.0

ABP 5.0 runs on .NET 6.0. So, please upgrade your solution to .NET 6.0 if you want to use ABP 5.0. You can see Microsoft's migration guide.

Bootstrap 5

ABP 5.0 uses the Bootstrap 5 as the fundamental HTML/CSS framework. We've migrated all the UI themes, tag helpers, UI components and the pages of the pre-built application modules. You may need to update your own pages by following the Bootstrap's migration guide.

Startup Template Changes

The startup template has changed. You don't need to apply all the changes, but it is strongly suggested to follow this guide and make the necessary changes for your solution.


This section contains breaking changes in the framework:


ABP will serialize the datetime based on AbpClockOptions starting from ABP v5.0. It was saving DateTime values as UTC in MongoDB. Check out MongoDB Datetime Serialization Options.

If you want to revert back this feature, set UseAbpClockHandleDateTime to false in AbpMongoDbOptions:

Configure<AbpMongoDbOptions>(x => x.UseAbpClockHandleDateTime = false);

Publishing Auto-Events in the Same Unit of Work

Local and distributed auto-events are handled in the same unit of work now. That means the event handles are executed in the same database transaction and they can rollback the transaction if they throw any exception. The new behavior may affect your previous assumptions. See #9896 for more.

Deprecated EntityCreatingEventData, EntityUpdatingEventData, EntityDeletingEventData and EntityChangingEventData

As a side effect of the previous change, EntityCreatingEventData, EntityUpdatingEventData, EntityDeletingEventData and EntityChangingEventData is not necessary now, because EntityCreatedEventData, EntityUpdatedEventData, EntityDeletedEventData and EntityChangedEventData is already taken into the current unit of work. Please switch to EntityCreatedEventData, EntityUpdatedEventData, EntityDeletedEventData and EntityChangedEventData if you've used the deprecated events. See #9897 to learn more.

Removed ModelBuilderConfigurationOptions classes

If you've used these classes, please remove their usages and use the static properties to customize the module's database mappings. See #8887 for more.

Removed Obsolete APIs

Automatically Setting the TenantId for New Entities

Beginning from the version 5.0, ABP automatically sets the TenantId for you when you create a new entity object (that implements the IMultiTenant interface). It is done in the constructor of the base Entity class (all other base entity and aggregate root classes are derived from the Entity class). The TenantId is set from the current value of the ICurrentTenant.Id property.

This can be a breaking change in rare cases (for example, if you create host side entities from a tenant context and do not explicitly set host entity's TenantId to null).

Other Breaking Changes

  • #9549 IObjectValidator methods have been changed to asynchronous.
  • #9940 Use ASP NET Core's authentication scheme to handle AbpAuthorizationException.
  • #9180 Use IRemoteContentStream without form content headers.

UI Providers


This section contains breaking and important changes in the application modules.


User Active/Passive

An IsActive (bool) property is added to the IdentityUser entity. This flag will be checked during the authentication of the users. EF Core developers need to add a new database migration and update their databases.

After the database migration, set this property to true for the existing users: UPDATE AbpUsers SET IsActive=1. Otherwise, none of the users can login to the application.

Alternatively, you can set defaultValue to true in the migration class (after adding the migration). This will add the column with true value for the existing records.

public partial class AddIsActiveToIdentityUser : Migration
    protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
            name: "IsActive",
            table: "AbpUsers",
            type: "bit",
            nullable: false,
            defaultValue: true); // Default is false, change it to true.

    protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
            name: "IsActive",
            table: "AbpUsers");

For MongoDB, you need to update the IsActive field for the existing users in the database.

You can use following script in MongoShell:

db.AbpUsers.updateMany({},{$set:{ IsActive : true }})
Identity -> Account API Changes

IProfileAppService (and the implementation and the related DTOs) are moved to the Account module from the Identity module (done with this PR).


IApiScopeRepository.GetByNameAsync method renamed as FindByNameAsync.

See Also


There is not a single breaking-change that affects the pro modules, nevertheless, please check the Open-Source (Framework) section above to ensure, there is not a change that you need to make in your application.


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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