ABP Version 7.0 Migration Guide
This document is a guide for upgrading ABP v6.x solutions to ABP v7.0. There are some changes in this version that may affect your applications, please read it carefully and apply the necessary changes to your application.
ABP upgraded to .NET 7.0, so you need to move your solutions to .NET 7.0 if you want to use the ABP 7.0. You can check the Migrate from ASP.NET Core 6.0 to 7.0 documentation.
Open-Source (Framework)
If you are using one of the open-source startup templates, then you can check the following sections to apply the related breaking changes:
Removed from the AbpTenantResolveOptions
has been removed from the AbpTenantResolveOptions
. Thus, if you need to get tenant info from HTTP Request From
, please add a custom TenantResolveContributor
to implement it.
has been removed. Please use the IServiceScopeFactory
Hybrid JSON was removed.
Since System.Text.Json library supports more custom features in NET 7, ABP no longer need the hybrid Json feature.
Previous Behavior
There is a Volo.Abp.Json
package which contains the AbpJsonModule
features of System.Text.Json and Newtonsoft are implemented in this module.
We use System.Text.Json first, More custom cases can be handled with Newtonsoft by configuring UnsupportedTypes
of AbpSystemTextJsonSerializerOptions
New Behavior
We created Volo.Abp.Json.SystemTextJson
and Volo.Abp.Json.Newtonsoft
as separate packages, which means you can only use one of them in your project. The default is to use SystemTextJson
. If you want Newtonsoft
, please also use Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson
in your web project.
- Volo.Abp.Json.Abstractions
- Volo.Abp.Json.Newtonsoft
- Volo.Abp.Json.SystemTextJson
- Volo.Abp.Json (Depends on
by default to prevent breaking) - Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson
The AbpJsonOptions
now has only two properties, which are
: Formats of input JSON date, Empty string means default format. You can provide multiple formats to parse the date.OutputDateTimeFormat(string)
: Format of output json date, Null or empty string means default format.
Please remove all UnsupportedTypes
add custom Modifiers
to control serialization/deserialization behavior.
Check the docs to see the more info: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/dev/docs/en/JSON.md#configuration
Check the docs to see how to customize a JSON contract: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/serialization/system-text-json/custom-contracts
"Manage Host Features" Moved to the Settings Page
"Manage Host Features" button has been moved from Tenants page to Settings page.
See https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/13359 for more info.
Removed the setter
from the Auditing Interfaces
and other base entity classes will continue to have public setters. If you want to make them private, don't derive from these base classes, but implement the interfaces yourself.
See https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/12229#issuecomment-1191384798 for more info.
Added Abp prefix to DbProperties Classes
Please update the database migration and related connection string names.
, EntityUpdatingEventData
, EntityDeletingEventData
and EntityChangingEventData
has been removed.
They are deprecated don't use them anymore.
LayoutHookInfo.cs, LayoutHookViewModel.cs, LayoutHooks.cs, AbpLayoutHookOptions.cs classes have been moved under the Volo.Abp.Ui.LayoutHooks namespace.
See https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/13903 for more info.
Removed abp.auth.policies
has been removed, use abp.auth.grantedPolicies
Static C# Proxy Generation
The abp generate-proxy -t csharp ..
command will generate all the classes/enums/other types
in the client side (including application service interfaces) behalf of you.
If you have reference to the target contracts package, then you can pass a parameter --without-contracts (shortcut: -c)
See https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/13613#issue-1333088953 for more info.
Dynamic Permissions
methods are converted to asynchronous, and renamed (added Async postfix).- Removed
from permission groups. - Inherit
enum from byte (default was int). - Needs to add migration for new entities in the Permission Management module.
See https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/13644 for more info.
External Localization Infrastructure
- Introduced
that is base for localization resources.LocalizationResource
inherits from it for typed (static) localization resources (like before). Also introducedNonTypedLocalizationResource
that inherits fromLocalizationResourceBase
for dynamic/external localization resources. We are usingLocalizationResourceBase
for most of the places where we were usingLocalizationResource
before and that can be a breaking change for some applications. - All layouts in all MVC UI themes should add this line just before the ApplicationConfigurationString line:
We've already done this for our themes.
See https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/13845 for more info.
Replaced BlogPostPublicDto
with BlogPostCommonDto
In the CMS Kit Module,
has been moved toVolo.CmsKit.Common.Application.Contracts
and renamed toBlogPostCommonDto
.See the PR#13499 for more information.
You can ignore this if you don't use CMS Kit Module.
Data migration environment
Please call AddDataMigrationEnvironment
method in the migration project.
See https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/13985 for more info.
The Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore
package do not yet support EF Core 7.0, If you use AbpEntityFrameworkCoreOracleDevartModule(Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle.Devart)
may not work as expected, We will release new packages as soon as they are updated.
See https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/14412 for more info.
Angular UI
Added a new package @abp/ng.oauth
OAuth Functionality moved to a seperate package named @abp/ng.oauth
, so ABP users should add the @abp/ng.oauth
packages on app.module.ts.
Add the new npm package to your app.
yarn add @abp/ng.oauth
// or npm i ---save @abp/ng.oauth
Lepton X Google-Font
If you are using LeptonX that has google fonts, the fonts were built-in the Lepton file. It's been moved to a seperate file. So the ABP user should add font-bundle in angular.json. ( under the 'yourProjectName' > 'architect' > 'build' > 'options' >'styles' )
// for LeptonX Lite
// for LeptonX
Updated Side Menu Layout
In side menu layout, eThemeLeptonXComponents.Navbar has been changed to eThemeLeptonXComponents.Toolbar, and eThemeLeptonXComponents.Sidebar to eThemeLeptonXComponents.Navbar.
And also added new replaceable component like Logo Component, Language Component etc.
If you are using replaceable component system you can check documentation.
ng-zorro-antd-tree.css file should be in angular.json if the user uses AbpTree component or Abp-commercial. The ABP User should add this style definition on angular.json. ( under the 'yourProjectName' > 'architect' > 'build' > 'options' >'styles' )
{ "input": "node_modules/ng-zorro-antd/tree/style/index.min.css", "inject": false, "bundleName": "ng-zorro-antd-tree" },
Please check the Open-Source (Framework) section before reading this section. The listed topics might affect your application and you might need to take care of them.
If you are a paid-license owner and using the ABP's paid version, then please follow the following sections to get informed about the breaking changes and apply the necessary ones:
"Manage Host Features" Moved to the Settings Page
The "Manage Host Features" button has been moved from Tenants page to the Settings page (under the Feature Management section).
External Localization System in the Language Management Module
External Localization System is introduced in v7.0 to provide a way of accessing localizations in a distributed system. Two new database table are added with this feature: AbpLocalizationResources
and AbpLocalizationTexts
Thus, if you are using EF Core, you should add a new database migration and apply it to your database.
In addition to that, LanguageTextConsts.MaxValueLength
is changed from 64 mb to 64 kb.