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Web Application Development Tutorial - Part 4: Integration Tests

Test Projects in the Solution

This part covers the server side tests. There are several test projects in the solution:


Test projects slightly differs based on your UI and Database selection. For example, if you select MongoDB, then the Acme.BookStore.EntityFrameworkCore.Tests will be Acme.BookStore.MongoDB.Tests.

Each project is used to test the related project. Test projects use the following libraries for testing:

EphemeralMongo library is used to mock the MongoDB database. A separate database instance is created and seeded (with the data seed system) to prepare a fresh database for every test.

Adding Test Data

If you had created a data seed contributor as described in the first part, the same data will be available in your tests. So, you can skip this section. If you haven't created the seed contributor, you can use the BookStoreTestDataSeedContributor to seed the same data to be used in the tests below.

Testing the BookAppService

Add a new test class, named BookAppService_Tests in the Books namespace (folder) of the Acme.BookStore.Application.Tests project:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Shouldly;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
using Volo.Abp.Modularity;
using Volo.Abp.Validation;
using Xunit;

namespace Acme.BookStore.Books;

public abstract class BookAppService_Tests<TStartupModule> : BookStoreApplicationTestBase<TStartupModule>
    where TStartupModule : IAbpModule
    private readonly IBookAppService _bookAppService;

    protected BookAppService_Tests()
        _bookAppService = GetRequiredService<IBookAppService>();

    public async Task Should_Get_List_Of_Books()
        var result = await _bookAppService.GetListAsync(
            new PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto()

        result.Items.ShouldContain(b => b.Name == "1984");

Add a new implementation class of BookAppService_Tests class, named MongoDBBookAppService_Tests in the MongoDb\Applications\Books namespace (folder) of the Acme.BookStore.MongoDB.Tests project:

using Acme.BookStore.MongoDB;
using Acme.BookStore.Books;
using Xunit;

namespace Acme.BookStore.MongoDb.Applications.Books;

public class MongoDBBookAppService_Tests : BookAppService_Tests<BookStoreMongoDbTestModule>

  • Should_Get_List_Of_Books test simply uses BookAppService.GetListAsync method to get and check the list of books.
  • We can safely check the book "1984" by its name, because we know that this books is available in the database since we've added it in the seed data.

Add a new test method to the BookAppService_Tests class that creates a new valid book:

public async Task Should_Create_A_Valid_Book()
    var result = await _bookAppService.CreateAsync(
        new CreateUpdateBookDto
            Name = "New test book 42",
            Price = 10,
            PublishDate = DateTime.Now,
            Type = BookType.ScienceFiction

    result.Name.ShouldBe("New test book 42");

Add a new test that tries to create an invalid book and fails:

public async Task Should_Not_Create_A_Book_Without_Name()
    var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<AbpValidationException>(async () =>
        await _bookAppService.CreateAsync(
            new CreateUpdateBookDto
                Name = "",
                Price = 10,
                PublishDate = DateTime.Now,
                Type = BookType.ScienceFiction

        .ShouldContain(err => err.MemberNames.Any(mem => mem == "Name"));
  • Since the Name is empty, ABP will throw an AbpValidationException.

The final test class should be as shown below:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Shouldly;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
using Volo.Abp.Modularity;
using Volo.Abp.Validation;
using Xunit;

namespace Acme.BookStore.Books;

public abstract class BookAppService_Tests<TStartupModule> : BookStoreApplicationTestBase<TStartupModule>
    where TStartupModule : IAbpModule
    private readonly IBookAppService _bookAppService;

    protected BookAppService_Tests()
        _bookAppService = GetRequiredService<IBookAppService>();

    public async Task Should_Get_List_Of_Books()
        var result = await _bookAppService.GetListAsync(
            new PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto()

        result.Items.ShouldContain(b => b.Name == "1984");

    public async Task Should_Create_A_Valid_Book()
        var result = await _bookAppService.CreateAsync(
            new CreateUpdateBookDto
                Name = "New test book 42",
                Price = 10,
                PublishDate = DateTime.Now,
                Type = BookType.ScienceFiction

        result.Name.ShouldBe("New test book 42");
    public async Task Should_Not_Create_A_Book_Without_Name()
        var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<AbpValidationException>(async () =>
            await _bookAppService.CreateAsync(
                new CreateUpdateBookDto
                    Name = "",
                    Price = 10,
                    PublishDate = DateTime.Now,
                    Type = BookType.ScienceFiction

            .ShouldContain(err => err.MemberNames.Any(mem => mem == "Name"));

Open the Test Explorer Window (use Test -> Windows -> Test Explorer menu if it is not visible) and Run All tests:


Congratulations, the green icons indicates that the tests have been successfully passed!


Last updated: December 25, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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