OpenIddict 4.x to 5.x Migration Guide

The 5.0 release of OpenIddict is a major release that introduces breaking changes.

Check this blog OpenIddict 5.0 general availability for the new features introduced in OpenIddict 5.0.

I will show the changes you need to make to do the migration.

Please backup your database before doing the migration.

OpenIddictApplication changes

  1. The Type(string) of the OpenIddictApplication has been renamed to ClientType(string).
  2. The ApplicationType(string) has been added to the OpenIddictApplication entity.
  3. The JsonWebKeySet(string) has been added to the OpenIddictApplication entity.
  4. The Settings(string) has been added to the OpenIddictApplication entity.

The new migration looks like this:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

#nullable disable

namespace OpenIddict.Demo.Server.Migrations
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public partial class openiddict5 : Migration
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
                name: "Type",
                table: "OpenIddictApplications",
                newName: "ClientType");

                name: "ApplicationType",
                table: "OpenIddictApplications",
                type: "nvarchar(50)",
                maxLength: 50,
                nullable: true);

                name: "JsonWebKeySet",
                table: "OpenIddictApplications",
                type: "nvarchar(max)",
                nullable: true);

                name: "Settings",
                table: "OpenIddictApplications",
                type: "nvarchar(max)",
                nullable: true);

        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
                name: "ApplicationType",
                table: "OpenIddictApplications");

                name: "JsonWebKeySet",
                table: "OpenIddictApplications");

                name: "Settings",
                table: "OpenIddictApplications");

                name: "ClientType",
                table: "OpenIddictApplications",
                newName: "Type");

OpenIddictApplicationModel changes

  1. The Type(string) of the OpenIddictApplicationModel has been renamed to ClientType(string).
  2. The ApplicationType(string) has been added to the OpenIddictApplicationModel entity.
  3. The JsonWebKeySet(JsonWebKeySet) has been added to the OpenIddictApplicationModel entity.
  4. The Settings(string) has been added to the OpenIddictApplicationModel entity.

OpenIddictApplicationDescriptor changes

You have to change the Type to ClientType when creating a new AbpApplicationDescriptor or OpenIddictApplicationDescriptor.

var application = new AbpApplicationDescriptor {
    ClientId = name,
-   Type = type,
+   ClientType = type,
    ClientSecret = secret,
    ConsentType = consentType,
    DisplayName = displayName,

OpenIddict Pro module UI changes

You can change the ApplicationType when creating/editing a OpenIddict's application, also set time life of the tokens for each application.

ropeniddict-pro-application-modal openiddict-pro-application-timelife-modal


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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